Van L Equipment

Phone(s): (204) 877-3642
2 Frontage Rd
Reston Manitoba
R0M 1X0
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Landoll Detachable Model 329C
Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2022 Quantity N/A
Manufacturer Landoll Model Detachable MODEL 329C
Vin N/A Color N/A
Date Received N/A Odometer N/A
Comments 60 Ton Non-Ground Bearing Detachable The Model 329C detachable trailer has triple axles and a heavy 60-ton capacity (120,000 lbs. in 10 feet) and can haul loads safely and effectively. Manufactured with only high tensile strength steel and high-quality components, the Model 329C will last the long haul and retain its’ resale value. Design and Many Features Landoll’s detachable gooseneck is second to none in the problem-solving category. The rugged scraper style gooseneck with vertical lift cylinders and Landoll’s unique fifth wheel lock assembly has the ability to get you hooked up at the roughest job site and on the road. Landoll detachable trailer have a centralized grease system for ease of maintenance and reduced downtime. Gooseneck Design The Model 329C is equipped with a fifth Wheel Type Automatic Gooseneck Lock Engagement with Lock/Unlock Visual from Tractor Cab.

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